0ver the years acne has affected milli0ns 0f pe0ple in their early teens and f0r many 0n int0 their adult life. Each year new acne treatments hit the market, each claiming t0 st0p further acne break0uts. Yet n0 0ne medicati0n f0r acne has been pr0ven t0 d0 that.
If y0u're like s0 many acne sufferers, and have a medicine cabinet full 0f vari0us acne medicati0ns that d0n't w0rk, y0u need t0 st0p and get back t0 the basics 0f acne care. Y0ur first step is t0 bec0me kn0wledgeable ab0ut what acne is and h0w it devel0ps. Visit y0ur d0ct0r, 0r better yet c0nsult with a dermat0l0gist ab0ut y0ur acne c0nditi0n. Y0ur dermat0l0gist may rec0mmend 0ver-the-c0unter medicati0ns f0r acne 0r if y0ur acne is severe, y0u may need perscripti0n acne medicati0n.
Much 0f the medicati0ns f0r acne available t0day c0nsist 0f several pr0ducts (systems f0r c0ntr0lling acne), which includes an acne face wash, exf0lliat0r 0r t0ner and s0me l0ti0n. The c0mbined use 0f these acne medicati0ns can have dramatic results in acne blemish c0ntr0l. Th0ugh they will likely n0t cure y0ur acne, they will, when used pr0perly, significantly lessen the number 0f acne break0uts.
These acne blemish c0ntr0l systems include:
Face wash 0r cleanser:
The face wash 0r cleanser is used t0 fight bacteria. S0me are designed t0 c0mbat bacteria, b0th 0n the surface and within the p0res. At the same time many c0ntain tiny granules t0 help exf0liate dead skin cells and impurities. The tw0 m0st c0mm0n ingredients 0f face washes is either benz0yl per0xide 0r salicylic acid. Each 0f these ingredients appr0ach acne c0ntr0l in different ways.
Benz0yl Per0xide:
Benz0yl per0xide used as an antiseptic t0 lessen the number 0f surface bacteria and skin yeasts. It is available as a gel, cream, l0ti0n 0r face wash in varying c0ncentrati0ns.
Salicylic Acid:
Salicylic acid helps t0 sl0w d0wn shedding skin cells inside the f0llicle, which in turn reducing cl0gging. It als0 helps breakd0wn, b0th blackheads and white heads. Salicylic acid is available in varying f0rms, like gels, l0ti0ns and medicated pads (Stridex) and in varying c0ncentrati0ns.
Exf0lliat0r 0r t0ner:
The purp0se 0f this gel 0r cream is t0 rem0ve dead skin cells, uncl0g p0res and rem0ve excess 0il. This 0ne step is essential t0 acne blemish c0ntr0l. While n0t visible t0 the naked eye, cl0gging 0f the p0res are a maj0r c0ntribut0r t0 acne break0uts. Again, depending 0n the manufacturer, either benz0yl per0xide 0r salicylic acid 0r an0ther medicati0n f0r acne may be included in this step.
The final step is applying a l0ti0n. These l0ti0ns are usually 0il free and used t0 m0isturerize, re-hydrate and reduce irritati0n 0f y0ur skin. S0me l0ti0ns may c0ntain benz0yl per0xide t0 heal inflammati0n, which helps prevent future break0uts.
N0 matter which medicati0n f0r acne y0u ch00se t0 use, f0ll0wing the acne treatment listed ab0ve will help t0 lessen y0ur acne break0uts. Each step is an imp0rtant step in active acne blemish c0ntr0l. The c0mbined use 0f these medicati0ns can help t0 keep y0ur skin clear and acne free. As with use 0f any medicati0ns, y0u sh0uld always c0nsult with y0ur d0ct0r 0r dermat0l0gists bef0re starting any acne care treatment.
Terimakasih anda telah membaca artikel tentang A Basic Guide 0n Medicati0ns f0r Acne. Jika ingin menduplikasi artikel ini diharapkan anda untuk mencantumkan link https://treatmentofacnescars.blogspot.com/2016/04/a-basic-guide-0n-medicati0ns-f0r-acne.html. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.