Luckily, there are a number 0f things y0u can d0 everyday t0 make sure y0ur skin is less pr0ne t0 flare ups. Here are five tips f0r taking c0ntr0l 0f y0ur acne starting t0day.
1. Exercise - Keeping in shape can help fight acne by fighting 0ff negative stress levels that can c0me fr0m negative self-esteem and depressi0n. H0wever, s0me safeguards need t0 be in place t0 ward 0ff acne that can result fr0m y0ur w0rk0ut r0utines. Watch what y0u put 0n y0ur b0dy with regards t0 cl0thing, sp0rts gear and equipment.
F0r example, tight lycra and nyl0n exercise 0utfits might l00k great in the m0vies and 0n magazine m0dels, but if y0u are susceptible t0 acne pr0blems, av0id these synthetic fabrics that tend t0 trap in b0dy m0isture and heat resulting in a bacteria frenzy. Instead, ch00se l00se cl0thing made 0f c0tt0n 0r natural blends t0 all0w m0re air t0 get t0 y0ur skin.
And when y0u are finished with y0ur w0rk0ut, get 0ut 0f cl0thing wet fr0m perspirati0n 0r water sp0rts. Sh0wer and change int0 dry, clean cl0thing. And keep y0ur sp0rts gear and equipment clean, t00. Dirty headgear, f0r instance, can irritate f0rehead areas pr0ne t0 acne pr0blems. S0 t0ss headbands int0 the washing machine after w0rk0ut sessi0ns.
2. C0smetics - T0 av0id p0re-cl0gging and skin irritati0ns that are similar t0 acne and that can c0ntribute t0 acne, use pr0ducts labeled n0nc0med0genic 0r 0il-free. Shimmering facial c0l0rs can c0ntain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritati0ns and cl0g p0res. 0ther additives in c0l0ring that can cause similar reacti0ns are c0al tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes.
M0re preventative measures include using a lip gl0ss that pr0m0tes a matte finish instead 0f a high gl0ss f0r less p0re-cl0gging; n0te the m0re the shine, the m0re then c0med0genic c0ntent and the m0re the p0res can cl0g. Beware that eye creams can c0ntain heavier c0ncentrati0ns 0f m0isturizers than regular creams and l0ti0ns, meaning they have greater p0tential t0 cl0g p0res in the surr0unding facial areas.
3. Diet - Studies sh0w that diet d0es n0t play a r0le in either the cause 0r the treatment 0f acne. H0wever, what is rec0mmended f0r acne preventative care is this: what is best f0r y0ur b0dy is best f0r y0ur skin, especially since y0ur skin is the largest 0rgan 0f y0ur b0dy. S0 remember t0 watch y0ur diet and c0nsume healthy vitamins, minerals and 0ther supplements. This will help t0 prevent and help c0nquer acne break0ut.
4. Hygiene - A healthy skin regimen sh0uld include n0 harsh scrubbing 0r 0ver-washing, because this can cause p0ssible skin irritati0n 0r p0ssible 0ver pr0ducti0n 0f 0il t0 replace what has washed 0ff, cl0gging p0res in the pr0cess. Pr0ducts with gentle exf0liati0n ingredients are 0K t0 use; i.e. n0t scratchy nut 0r fruit shell pieces that can tear skin. And skip alc0h0l pr0ducts when p0ssible; these can take 0ff the t0p layer 0f y0ur skin and cause y0ur glands t0 pr0duct m0re 0il, cl0gging p0res in the pr0cess.
If y0u d0 sp0t acne-tr0ubled areas, d0 N0T mess with them. Remember that these are already weeks in the making, and squeezing 0r picking blemishes can f0rce the infected area t0 regress back inside, further tr0ubling the regi0n and p0ssibly leave a scar. If necessary, seek help fr0m a dermat0l0gist f0r alternative treatments.
5. Shaving - Shaving f0r b0th genders is actually an excellent way 0f exf0liating 0r rem0ving dead skin t0 help with the preventi0n and spreading 0f acne instead 0f leaving the remains t0 cl0g p0res. And f0r s0me light acne cases already in pr0cess, shaving can help rid whiteheads and blackheads fr0m the face. A w0rd 0f cauti0n: f0r areas with infecti0n 0r high inflammat0ry activity (redness, sensitive, 0pen acne, s0res, etc.), d0 n0t shave. 0r at the very least, use a shaving cream f0r sensitive skin!
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